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Excellent Education Program

"We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet."

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Excellent Education Program

"We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet."

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Notice for Staffs

Welcome to DBS College

Established in the year 1959 in Govind Nagar, Kanpur, Dayanand Brajendra Swarup College is an ever- blossoming flower of the patriotism, spirit of social service, intellectual sensitivity and entrepreneurship of Late Dr. Virendra Swarup, a visionary, the ex-Chairperson of U.P. Legislative Assembly, and the Honourable founder of this esteemed institution. It is also a heartfelt tribute of a dutiful son to his magnanimous and inspiring father, Late Dr. Brajendra Swarup. The establishment of this college found its inspiration in two main factors.

"We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet."

Swami Vivekananda


Born into a family of renowned educationist, philanthropist and nationalist luminaries, Late Dr. Nagendra Swarup ji received all these qualities as family heritage, following ever so successfully in the hallowed footprints of his grandfather Late Dr. Brajendra Swarup ji and his illustrious father Late Dr. Virendra Swarup ji. Being the successor of such acclaimed personalities is no easy task, but Late. Dr. Nagendra Swarup ji proved from a very early age that he was blessed by the heavens with the same gifts that had etched the name of the Swarup family in such glittering letters in the annals of history. Immediately after completing his D.Litt. he joined his father in his lofty vision and untiring mission of spreading the light of education among the common people of Kanpur and its surrounding areas.


Message from the Secretary

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that the D.B.S. College website has been refurbished and thoroughly updated with a view towards providing comprehensive information about all the activities of the college. I am sure that this will be very useful to the students, researchers and collaborators as well as the prospective students.

Over the years, this institution has transformed itself into a reservoir of ideas and principles, carefully harnessed and cultivated for the well-being of the society and the world. Inspired by the vision of the founders of the college, the goal of the college is to create enlightened individuals with a commitment towards social change and nation building, through a process of holistic academic, intellectual, moral and physical development and character building. We do not merely impart knowledge, but also imbibe the spirit of inquisition and social service among our students. Hence, we take immense pride and utmost care in upholding the tradition in all curricular activities.


Message from the Principal

I heartily welcome all to the revamped and innovated version of the college website and take this opportunity to share my views with all the stakeholders of this esteemed institution.

Established in the year 1959, this venerable institution has walked this considerable passage of time with great dignity and success while providing quality education to the people of Kanpur and its surrounding as well as far off places, by adopting an egalitarian approach towards imparting education to all students irrespective of their class, creed, religion or gender. This had been the great noble vision of the great founders of the College and it has been and will always continue to be our mission to be successful in that endeavor.


Infrastructure & Facilities

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