Our Principal

Prof. Anil Kumar Mishra
Email : dbscollege_kanpur@rediffmail.com
Phone : +91 512 265 1730
Prof. Anil Kumar Mishra is working as Principal in this college since 2021. Earlier, he worked as the Head of the Department of Sociology at D.A-V. College, Kanpur. After getting education from BHU, Varanasi, he was selected by the Higher Education Service Commission and started teaching in the department of Sociology of D.A-V. College, Kanpur. Along with completing a research project funded by UGC, he has published more than 40 research papers and articles in various national and international journals. He has written 4 books and is also the editor of two magazines. He remains conscious of his social responsibilities by writing on current affairs in various newspapers, participating in talks on several news channels and through his contributions to several socio-cultural organizations. He is a member of several academic and administrative bodies of various educational institutions.